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Download Periphery multi-tracks, watch Nolly's mixing class and subscribe to Nail the Mix (cancel anytime)
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Here's what you'll get when you subscribe:
  • The raw multi-tracks to "Prayer Position" by Periphery (46 tracks, plus 8 drum samples to layer in as needed)
  •  A 6 hour mixing class by Nolly where he walks through every detail of how he mixed this song on the album
  •  The multi-tracks to "Aeon of Creation" by Cognizance (sick progressive death metal) and a 5-hour mixing class that guides you through the session
  •  A new set of multi-tracks every month (we can't wait to reveal the band we're having on next month but it's gonna be suhweeeet)
  •  Access to our exclusive Facebook group with over 1,800 other producers (this is seriously worth paying for on its own-- this group is amazing!)